Trang Chủ Về công ty Tin tức công ty Changes in trading schedule on the 4th of July

Changes in trading schedule on the 4th of July


Company news

Dear clients!

Independence Day is celebrated in the United States on the 4th of July. Please take into consideration the changes in trading schedule.

  • On July 4th at 5:30 PM GMT trading futures contracts on Brent and WTI will be closed. 
  • Futures on metals, E-mini S&P 500, E-mini NASDAQ 100, E-mini Russell 2000, E-mini Dow indices, CFD Softs, CFD Meats, CFD Grains and American stock CFDs will also be closed.

On ECN accounts trading spot metals, Brent, WTI, and DJI30, SP500, NQ100 indices will be closed at 11:00 PM GMT. 
All other instruments will be traded as usual. All the company’s services will be working as usual.

Trading will be resumed in the ordinary course on July 5th.

Please, take this information into account when planning your trading activity.

Grand Capital team

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